How To Help Men Last Longer During Sex (For Women)

By Dan Becket

By Dan Becket
Researcher, Author, Coach.

I was surprised to learn recently that 30% of my readers and 20% of those who purchase my Ejaculation Freedom program are women. This shows that there are a lot of men out there who are failing to address this issue themselves and leaving it up to you, their partners to take action.

But don’t blame him for it just yet.

It’s really tough for a guy to experience premature ejaculation. I used to experience it myself so I know first hand how confronting it can be for a guy. We are supposed to be masculine and in control and to be able to satisfy our partner sexually.

But when premature ejaculation occurs, all control is lost and there is absolutely nothing guys can do about it. At least that what it feels like when it first happens. At that stage, most guys are unaware that there are systematic training methods and techniques that can help build control.

Here are some things you can do to help your partner

Ways To Help Your Man Last Longer In Bed

  • Be conscious of his arousal levels during sex by being aware of his bodily movements and facial expressions
  • touch and focus on non-sexual areas during sex. This can help draw his attention away from just focusing on his genitals
  • Never compare him to a previous partner as this can cause havoc mentally.
  • Understand how positions affect his control. All men are different but generally, side positions or you on top are easier for most men (this is due to the decrees in muscular tension required).
  • Talk about it with him: Though make sure to bring it up the right way (see below)
  • Don’t laugh at him (unless he is laughing with you). I always encourage the guys I coach to lighten the mood and not take themselves to seriously. The best way to do this is to may a joke about their poor lasting time. it’s best to let him lead in this area.
  • Make him aware that there are effective training methods that he can use and that you will help him.

How To Talk To Your Man About His Premature Ejaculation

Bringing up the topic to your man can be hard. I’m sure you know him best but here are a few general rules to follow

  • Don’t bring it up right after he has failed to last in bed – This will be when he is at his most sensitive and even emotional. The best time to broach the topic is away from the bedroom when he is in a good mood
  • Tell him you want to help him
  • Don’t compare him to past partners or friends partners

How To Get Him To Take Action

If you are both on the same page with this it can help a lot. But getting that to that page can sometimes be a struggle. Some guys can be stubborn, some will try to ignore it and some will just be too ashamed or embarrassed to even acknowledge their premature ejaculation.

If you have tried the above without success here are a few more options

  • Get him to read my in-depth guide on how to last longer during sex (print it out or email him a link if you have to)
  • Many women purchase my program and give it to their partners discretely
  • Make a deal with him that if he works on this you will work on something else (it could be anything)

I hope this helps. I also encourage you to read my in-depth article on how to last longer during intercourse as this will give you a greater idea about the process of ejaculatory control and how it can be achieved by your partner.

Best of luck with it.

– Dan

Dan Becket
Dan Becket

Dan Becket is an award-winning researcher, coach and author on ejaculatory control and the treatment and prevention of premature ejaculation. He is the creator of Ejaculation Freedom – The worlds best premature ejaculation training program